Codependency eBook Bundle (downloadable)
If you go into a relationship spoiling people and always allowing them to have their way and you never experience equality or feel like you are valuable. They will inherit a sense of entitlement and expect you to do what they say because they trained you to follow their rules. Sometimes we have to put our foot down and let people know……This Time I Mean Business!
What’s Included (digital bundle):
- Codependency Workbook
- Workbook
- Leadership Faith Poem
Quote: Whatever you don’t start you won’t have to finish.
Keep your eyes on Jesus and practice biblical principles so that the keys to the kingdom of God belong to you, my friend. So, don’t miss out on God’s best wasting time with less than unprofitable relationships God did not ordain. But rather seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you (Matthew 6:33).
*** this is a digital download; no physical products will be sent. downloadable link will be provided, once payment has been made. Since this is an instant download, all sales are final, no refund will be given. If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].
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